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Hello! We are the family behind Learning As We Grow.

Though I, (Momma Sprout), have always been into blogging, we started a family YouTube channel earlier this year called "Learning As We Grow" to document our adventures in a different way. I wanted our gang to have a bigger focus on family adventures and togetherness, and creating great memories. 2016 was one of the toughest years of our family's life. My mother (and AMAZING grandmother to my children) was diagnosed with cancer. Her fight was a year long, and she lost her battle in early January 2017. It's been one of the biggest challenges of all our lives. For me, it has made me think about what life should be and how I want to live it. What's most important? What can I do to make every day count? A couple months after my mother passed away, we started our YouTube channel.

Our YouTube channel has been such a fun ongoing family project. We love to plan episodes, places we need to visit, or things we'd like to share with the YouTube world. Our goal is to be uplifting, educational, and promote family togetherness. We have an avid interest in learning, adventuring, and trying new things. As our family is full of young littles, we're always going through phases of learning and development. We all grow physically, and grow in our character as we go through life's different experiences. Hence the name, "Learning As We Grow".

If 2017 had not been enough for our family, we found out big news in May: We were expecting! What a blessing to celebrate a new family member after the loss of my mother. But our joy was challenged when we got some scary news about our new baby brother in August during routine ultrasound. His heart was underdeveloped and he had a severe congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome that would give him an uncertain future. From the day we got the news, we decided to become instant advocates for our baby brother. We weren't going to let this beat us or discourage us. We studied all we could, networked all we could, and learned as much as we could about his condition and what we needed to do in order to help him thrive. (And we continue to do so, every day.) We were going to make sure that our baby would have the fullest, most joyful and loving life EVER.

10 weeks after the diagnosis, we took on another challenge: HOMESCHOOLING! I thought long and hard about the pros and cons before making this decision for our family. I counseled with my wonderful husband and each of the children, and got all of their opinions. Ultimately, I felt in my heart that this was the plan that God had for our family at this time, and if I would trust Him in this, it would bless our family now and AFTER the baby was born.

So, like I said, in our family, EVERY DAY is an adventure. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow and continue on in our journey of building a wonderful life together.

You can follow our adventures here on the blog, on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

Thanks for checking in!

--Momma Sprout


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