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What is "CREATIVITY"? - Part #1

As of late, I've been thinking about what it means to be creative. 

I haven't written on the blog in a LONG time. But I've recently felt the urge to get back into it. Why, though? I'm not sure. But my inkling and reflection tell me it has to do with a three-part equation: 

  1. (Re)discovering my creativity. 
  2. Allowing the Savior's light and truth to shine through me & my creative works. 
  3. Finding a way to earn some extra income while utilizing my passions and creative talents. 

I've been feeling a very tangible pull to CREATE. Create art. Create beauty. Create SOMETHING. But what that something is...I haven't exactly put my finger on it quite yet. It's a drive that's deep within me, and has always been there, but has been put on the shelf for many years now as I've been raising my family. Recently, the instinct to create art has resurfaced. So for the past couple weeks I've been on a journey of discovery in order to find that "thing" that I feel like I need to create. Is it painting? Is it drawing? Is it writing? Is it some other handcrafted item? I don't know why I can't pinpoint it, but it has led me to other questions for deeper consideration, such as:


What even does it mean to be creative, to create, or to take part in the creation of something? That is something I want to explore through my next several blog posts.

A Spark: 

On a Sunday evening after all but the baby had gone to bed, Brett and I were looking for something to watch to pass the time while we were waiting for Gracie to go to sleep. We stumbled upon this show called "Artful". (It's a free-to-watch streaming series on BYUTV)

It was very jarring for me--in a productive way--to watch these artists talk about their talents and skills, what drives them, and how they are able to connect to the divine through their artwork. Whether said or unsaid, it was apparent that art is a spiritual language to them, and that they are able to connect with God, The Creator through their creations.

I like the idea of art being a spiritual process, and that creating (or creation) is one way we as humans are able to tap into the divine and our own divinity as sons and daughters of God.

I'll continue my ideas on another post, but I will leave you with some of my favorite quotes by an artist names Zachary Proctor, from "Artful", Season 1, Episode 2:

"If you want to be inspired, you will find the divine in the small as mush as you will in the large." 

When referring to the fact that he couldn't paint at the start of his career, he said "This isn't going to get the best of me. I want to figure out how to master this."


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