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Why We're Homeschooling

About 2 years ago, I noticed how my oldest son (then in 1st grade), had some struggles and frustrations with his classroom and the general style of public school. In 2nd grade, it got worse for him. My son just had a really difficult classroom environment, and a teacher that was not necessarily nurturing or loving. I hated the emphasis on homework and really felt like if these little elementary-aged kids got home at 4pm, they should not have to do an hour plus of homework after being in the classroom for 7 hours. When did they get time to explore the backyard, or play, or have fun? When did they get time to just be a KID and not worry about grades that they got on a spelling test or a math worksheet? I also didn't love the things that my child was exposed to at school. Some of that came from other students, and some of it came from the curriculum or the teachers themselves. It was not always wholesome.

I decided to look into homeschool. LUCKILY, I am blessed to be surrounded by several friends and neighbors who homeschool. So, I started talking to all these homeschool families I was acquainted with.

While researching about Homeschooling, one of the parent's I spoke with never had their children in public education. From early on, many of her children were diagnosed with special needs and learning challenges. She was told by evaluators and doctors that they would be required to stay in a self-contained, special ed classroom, and that there wasn't much chance that they should progress or accomplish more than that. This mother recognized her calling to homeschool, and knew that she would fight for her child, and work to prove the school wrong. Fast forward to now, she has amazingly high-functioning young adult and adult children. If you met any one of them on the street, you would never think that they had learning challenges or disabilities, or that they struggled academically. They contribute to society, and are pleasant people, who have accomplished some great things. FAR from the picture that the school district had painted for them.

At this point in my family's life, we have children ages 8, 7, almost 5, 3, and 18 months. I've had two children that have qualified for early intervention programs and special ed services through our school district. My second son spent 2 years in special ed preschool for developmental delays and communication issues. The stigma that goes along with special education is horrible. It can also be shameful for parents to be made to feel like their children don't quite "measure up" or that they don't fit in the "box" that the system has created. That this amazingly unique and individual child didn't exactly match up with this very standardized idea of what administrators, superintendents, and ultimately government officials have deemed to be "normal" or "acceptable".

Right before kindergarten, our second son had progressed and was able to test out of the need for services and his IEP. After his time in special education, though, I was so grateful for the program, and for the very tender and caring teachers that work with those miraculous children. I was grateful that our boy was able to spend time with a range of children who had all sorts of needs and abilities, and who weren't so called "normal". He was able to interact with and appreciate these individual children for WHO they were as a person. He made friends and developed bonds with the other children in his class, and it made him happy. I noticed that he developed greater patience, compassion, and kindness when associating with others. He thrived when off of the cookie-cutter conveyor belt that is the standardized public school system.

I've often thought about how we will probably need to use those services in the future, for our new little boy. But I've also thought about how wonderful it is for children to learn and be taught on an individual level, while utilizing each child's strengths, and addressing his or her needs.

It's a bit ironic, because I received my bachelors in K-12 education. I took the required courses to become certified to teach for the state of Arizona, and I started out my college education with the drive to make a difference in the "system" and in the lives of student. But the more I went along, and the more experience I got through my internships and time in the classroom, seeing the politics and red tape, the less inspired I felt to follow this path.  I never ended up teaching, and instead followed the path of motherhood. I was able to enjoy a different profession, pursuing my talent and love for art as a work-from-home graphic designer and illustrator.


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